목차 1. Research motivations & Latest trends, news
2. Characteristics of luxury items user
3. Needs of luxury items user
4. Source
본문 1.Research motivations & Latest trends, news • Luxurious goods consumption exceeded Japan. • Luxurious goods consumption occupy 5% in Domestic economy income. • Korea’s luxurious goods consumption is recognized issue that persisted and hard to solve. • Luxurious goods is the thing which famous or expensive. • Luxurious goods consumption increase steadily. • We recognized characteristics and desire of a consumer buying luxurious goods
• Consumers increase to buying luxurious good an afternoon in department. Consumers can enter it if so have to wait 1 ~ 2 hour. It is new scenery while a domestic designer goods market grows.
본문내용 aracteristics of luxury items user 3. Needs of luxury items user 4. Source
1.Research motivations & Latest trends, news Luxurious goods consumption exceeded Japan. Luxurious goods consumption occupy 5% in Domestic economy income. Korea’s luxurious goods consumption is recognized issue that persisted and hard to solve. Luxurious goods is the thing which famous or expensive. Luxurious goods
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