2013년 11월 19일 화요일

경영학 Convenience Store Business Plan-Login Store(영문)

경영학 Convenience Store Business Plan-Login Store(영문)
[경영학] Convenience Store Business Plan-Login Store(영문).ppt

1. Introduce Company background
2.Our PhilosophyManagement Team
3.Market Analysis
4.Scale and TrendCompetitor analysis
5.Manage Plan
6.Marketing Strategy
7.Land Choice
8.Expected Sales and Necessary CapitalsManufacturing Plan

As our society is being changed and developed rapidly, it requires us to minimize the unnecessary time. As a result, there is an increased number of new form of services and goods that are suitable to our recent society. Therefore we are planning to target a niche market by providing the goods and services which are different from other generous convenience stores.

-Name of Company : Login Store
- Main Enterprise Field: Convenience Store
- Capital(money): 00
- Number of Workers : 7명
- Sales Scale : 00
- Location :Songpa gu Ogeum Dong, Seoul


Sales of one day = average number of customers in a day * 1인당 객단가 = 500명 * 3000won = ₩ 1,500,000

Expected Monthly Sales : ₩ 45,000,000
Profits(Margin percentage) = 25%
Expected sales margin: ₩ 11,250,000
Rent, personnel expenses , and etc : ₩ 7,250,000
Store Rent : ₩ 1,000,000

Expected net profit : ₩ 3,000,000

As our society is being changed and developed rapidly, it requires us to minimize the unnecessary time. As a result, there is an increased number of new form of services and goods that are suitable to our recent society. Therefore we are planning to target a niche market by providing the goods and services which are different from other generous convenience stores.
Company Bac

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