경영학 넥센타이어 경영전략(영문)
목차 Introduction Mission of the organization Missions Choice and Focus Define and assess the organizations strategy. Identify its customers and/or constituents; and its competitors. How Firm is organized Formal structure Describe the decision-making process. How does the organization manage change? Leadership style of Nexen Tire Organizational Heroes Motivational environment Effectiveness of organizational communication Process of control Types of control Financial control Operational Control Innovative managerial practices How is entrepreneurship encouraged What ethical dilemmas are faced? Roles of technology Access our interest in joining Nexen Tire Why or Why not? How? Internal environment of Nexen Tire Organizational Culture Relationship between labor and capital – as a sustainable point of view Management of belief Realize sustainable development Organizational Structure Ethics in management Management Strategy Differentiation Strategy One-stop service System management Conclusion References & Bibliography 본문 How Firm is organized Formal structure Planning Division, Management Support Division, Administration Team, Quality control team, Production Division, R&D Division, Overseas Companies (China, America, Europe), Sales Division (Overseas Sales management, Domestic Sales management, OE sales manager) 그림 1 Organizational Chart Describe the decision-making process. Nexen tire’s decision making for the China market China was an uncertain environment. Decision maker didn’t know all alternatives and outcomes, even probabilities. Since they were lack of so much information about how the tire market in China flows, they had to make careful decision making. First, they had to identify and define the problem. Their primary problem was “nothingness”. They had no information on China tire market and even single relationship to get help in China. Basically, they had no base and foundation to penetrate the market. However, China was a delicious food for them. China is the most populated country in the world. 1.3 billion People are living there. Let’s assume that one person out of ten people owns a car. Then 52 million tires are needed. But in real situation in China, more than one person owns a car out of ten. Therefore, China can be called as the largest market in the world. Largest demand can be produced and largest production and profit can be earned from China. Second, they had to generate and evaluate alternative courses of action. First thing that Nexen Tire Company did was establishing an overseas branch. Only 10 people were posted overseas at the beginning. From there, they started doing brain-storming. First, they analyzed China. After meticulous scrutiny, they found that the gulf between rich and poor was ubiquitous in China territory. For instance, most of the rich people were centralized in Beijing. Therefore, they started to supply and sell only expensive tires with highest-quality, targeting rich people. Amazingly, it worked. In other regions of China, as they did in Beijing, they sold certain price of tire after measuring GDP per capita of certain region. Let’s say if most of people in Hong Kong was poor, then they sold only cheap price of tire. But one thing to remember is, they always thought of tire’s quality and consumer’s satisfaction. In short, they considered geographical, regional and climatic features and characteristics. They must have set up alternative courses of action, but they didn’t. It was their first time of selling tires in China. Since they had no alternative, it motivated them to work harder. They also considered costs, timeliness and acceptability. Third, they had to decide on a preferred course of action. They applied management theory to recognize which model to use between classical and behavioral model. But it was clear to them. They must have created bounded rationality and found that they are now in behavioral decision model. They were in a situation where unstructured problem, not clearly defined, uncertain environment, and incomplete information were rampant. In fourth step, they finally implemented the decision. Since they already made all decision and plans, the next step they had to do was implementation. Finally, they evaluated result. Their decisions worked really well. If you see the graph below, it shows that from 2008 to 2009, the profit has more than tripled. And even in 2010, they are targeting 1.5 million tires to sell. And in 2015, they are hoping to sell 3 million tires, which cover 5% of whole market share in China. Also, Nexen Tire Company applied awarding system. In primary attempt, it was suggested as one of management strategies, but it also worked as an evaluating system. At the end of every year, they all gathered together and reported what they’ve succeeded and failed. In this process, they could make solution and make alternative course of action for future development. How does the organization manage change? Nexen Tire Company is known for its quickness. They respond to certain situation and 본문내용 fine and assess the organizations strategy. Identify its customers and/or constituents; and its competitors. How Firm is organized Formal structure Describe the decision-making process. How does the organization manage change? Leadership style of Nexen Tire Organizational Heroes Motivational environment Effectiveness of organizational communication Process of control Types of control Financial co 참고문헌 위키피디아http://ko.wikipedia.org/wiki/%EB%84%A5%EC%84%BC%ED%83%80%EC%9D%B4%EC%96%B4 한겨례신문 http://www.hani.co.kr/arti/society/labor/360760.html 서울경제 http://economy.hankooki.com/lpage/industry/200710/e2007102419580447580.htm 한국경제 http://www.hankyung.com/news/app/newsview.php?aid=2010051157471 |
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