2013년 4월 22일 월요일

투자론 변형옵션(Exotic Options)

투자론 변형옵션(Exotic Options)
[투자론] 변형옵션(Exotic Options).pptx

1.Definition of Exotic Options

2.Features of Exotic Options

3.Types of Exotic Options

4.Investing the Exotic Options

1. Definition
1. Definition of Exotic Options

An option that differs from common American or European options in terms of the underlying asset or the calculation of how or when the investor receives a certain payoff.
└>related to the features of Exotic Options, next slide

These options are more complex than options that trade on an exchange, and generally trade over the counter.

2. Features of Exotic Options

Exotic Options.

The payoff at maturity depends on as its value at several times.

Could depend on more than one index.

could be call ability and put ability rights.

could involve foreign exchange rates in various ways.

Exotic Options vs. Standard Options

Exotic Options.
OTC traded
Many Types
More expensive
No standard pricing

Standard Options.
Publicly traded
Single type
Standardized pricing model

Investing the Exotic Options

1. Definition

1. Definition of Exotic Options
An option thatdiffersfrom common American or European options in terms of the underlying asset or the calculation of how or when the investor receives a certain payoff.
These options are more complex than options that trade on an exchange, and generally trade over the counter.
related to the features of Exotic Opti

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